The One Company Fund: Taking Good Care of Our Associates

Benchmark’s dedicated associates make it their duty to support our seniors every day. That’s why we at Benchmark know it’s our duty to help return that support through the The Benchmark One Company Fund.
In an effort to support associates in a way that matches their commitment to the company, Benchmark executives started a non-profit organization that gives emergency financial assistance to Benchmark associates during times of need. Events like house fires, car accidents, sudden illness, or natural disasters can be financially devastating. The Fund has provided more than $2.8 million to 1,600 associates since 2007, and we’re committed to keeping that number growing with each passing year. After the 2021 earthquake in Haiti, One Company Fund issued more than 100 one-time, $500 grants to associates whose families were impacted by the devastation.
“We are very fortunate to have partners, residents, families and associates who share our commitment to One Company Fund,” says Tom Grape, Benchmark’s Chairman and CEO. “As a human connection company, we are called to care for them when they are unable to deal with life’s challenges, and that’s the reason why the Fund was founded.”
Here’s how it works: Benchmark employees and their families may apply for anonymous grants up to $5,000 per application, and $10,000 per lifetime. Approved grants are not loans – they are tax-free and do not require repayment.
The Fund is supported by contributions from Benchmark management, investors and associates, as well as our residents, their families and our generous business partners. A major source of fundraising comes from a game of golf (you read that right), where everyone is invited to participate in three regional outings to raise funds for the year ahead.
The One Company Fund also partners with Amazon Smiles to raise funds. When you visit and select the “Benchmark One Company Fund,” .5% of your Amazon purchase goes to The Fund. And that adds up. Benchmark receives hundreds of dollars through Amazon every quarter. Every little bit goes a long way. In 2022, we’ve already provided more than $240,000 to 251 associates.
Watch this video to learn more from Jillian Flores-Cordon, Director of One Company Fund Engagement, as she discusses grants, engagement and the upcoming fundraising golf season. To get a better idea of how The Fund supports dedicated employees, visit, and see what makes us The Benchmark.